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  1. Nursing Education – to prepare professional nurses to:
    1. Function as primary care providers both in community and clinical settings;
    2. Function as community organizer/developer, nurse specialist, educators, entrepreneurs and researchers.
    3. Become leaders socially conscious and responsive to the needs of the country.
  2. Research
    1. To strengthen the research capability and undertake researches focused on community needs..
    2. To conduct researches that will address the problems towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals 4,5 & 6..
    3. To disseminate research findings.
    4. To encourage opportunities and utilization of research findings..
  3. Continuing and Community Extension Services
    1. To design and implement relevant continuing education programs for nurses, educators, administrators and researchers;.
    2. In partnership with linked agencies, to develop / or assist and implement training programs for nurses;.
    3. To provide resource persons and consultants in the field of community nursing practice, education and research, and;.
    4. To design, implement and coordinate community extension service projects..
  4. Nursing Development
    1. To develop responsive programs/ projects in order to provide for better quality of life through optimum health ;.
    2. To provide leadership in the areas of community nursing practice, nursing education, continuing education and nursing research..