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Honorific Scholarships

College Scholar

  • Any undergraduate or graduate student who, not being classed as University Scholar, obtains at the end of the semester a weighted average of 1.75 or better, or 1.50 or better, respectively, is given this honorific scholarship.

  • College scholars are listed in the Dean’s List of Scholars [Art. 382, University Code, as approved at the 810th BOR meeting on June 22, 1971].


University Scholar

  • Any undergraduate or graduate student, who obtains at the end of the semester a weighted average of 1.45 or better, or 1.25 or better, respectively, is given this honorific scholarship. University scholars are listed in the President’s List of Scholars.


In addition to the general weighted average prescribed, a student must have taken during the previous semester at least 15 units of academic credit or the normal load prescribed (in the case of graduate students, not less than 8 units); must be up-to-date with all the non-academic requirements (PE and ROTC); and must have no grade below 3 in any academic or non-academic subject [Art. 383, University Code, as approved at the 810th BOR meeting on June 22, 1971].

Honorific Scholarships do not entitle the holders to any tuition fee waiver, either partial or full [UP General Catalogue, 1990- 91, Page 13].

Entrance Scholarships

This honorific award is enjoyed for one semester by the following students upon their admission into the University: (1) valedictorians and salutatorians from public and private high schools accredited by the University, provided that they come from a graduating class with an enrolment of at least 30 graduates, this fact to be certified by the high school principals; (2) other honor graduates coming from the same class in the order of their rank for every additional 50 graduates or a major fraction thereof.

The first group of entrance scholars shall be listed in the President’s List of Scholars and the second group in the Dean’s List.

Private Scholarships

Unlike honorific scholarships, private scholarships include monetary benefits whose extent is determined by the private donors. The rules governing each scholarship including the qualifications required of prospective awardees are subject to the approval of the University. 

Private scholarships are either university-administered or college-administered. In UP Manila, information regarding university-administered scholarships may be obtained from the Office of Student Affairs. Information regarding college- administered scholarships may be obtained from the office of the College Dean or Secretary.

Student Learning Assistance System (Former Socialized Tuition (ST) System)
Students from the University of the Philippines (UP) come from all walks of life. Some of them may not be able to afford to pay the full tuition and other expenses to complete their academic requirements. As the UP community transitions to remote learning, other forms of learning assistance are needed to respond to the changing times.
To expand the support to financially-challenged students and expedite the processing support for academic activities, the University developed the Student Learning Assistance System (SLAS). The SLAS is an expansion of the Student Financial Assistance Online (SFA Online). The UP designed the SFA Online in 2014 to accept applications for tuition subsidy and allowance. Beginning on 7 September 2020, UP students may apply directly for financial support and learning assistance in the SLAS Online ( The expanded System will gather information on students' financial capacity, connectivity situation and connectivity options, and learning assistance requirements to help the University determine the support to be extended to the applicant.


For more information please click this link : Student Learning Assistance System Online