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Clinical Epidemiology is a developing field considered by many as a basic science in clinical medicine. It has been defined as “the study of groups of people to achieve the background evidence needed for clinical decisions in patient care”. Many other definitions hold in common are the following important issues: 
1. Clinical epidemiology must generate the best possible evidence from groups of subjects regarding the effectiveness and efficiency of various clinical courses of action; and 
2. It must translate the evidence (or lack thereof) into rational clinical decisions pertaining to the management of individual patients. 
The UP College of Medicine and the College of Public Health are jointly offering the Master of Science in Epidemiology with two tracks, namely Clinical Epidemiology and Public Health. The Clinical Epidemiology tracks enables health professionals to successfully implement a health program or to deliver better health care to their patients through application of the principles of epidemiology, biostatistics, clinical economics, health social science, health technology assessment and health policy-making. The program is also designed to equip clinicians with skills to produce and evaluate valid and reliable evidence.